Stress happens. We all feel it. It steals our joy, interrupts our sleep, affects our relationships, and wears us down. We can’t escape the things and people that cause it. We can’t medicate it away. So we must deal with it. But how? 

Discover the freedom and peace that are yours when you no longer allow stress to dominate your life and instead take hold of the soul-satisfying, joy-producing, fruit-bearing life that God intended you to live.


Oh, the joy and freedom of the life of Jesus in us—joy and freedom that are foreign to far too many professing Christians. I invite you to read Unburdened by Vance Pitman and be changed forever by the pure, simple, and absolutely revolutionary reality that Jesus died for you so that He might live in you!

David Platt,
pastor, McLean Bible Church

Kathy Litton,
director of planter spouse development, NAMB of the SBC

Unburdened powerfully exposes Satan’s crafty work in the deception of religion. Information and doing are not the abundant life Jesus promised. In fact, they are burdens that produce no true life or joy. This is a desperately needed book for the American religious landscape! Vance’s personal transparency will set others free.

“The burning question throughout Vance’s book is this: What does it look like to faithfully follow Jesus? It is of great importance that every generation answer this question and frame what this looks like within our cultural milieu. We live in a cultural moment that depends on how Christians answer this question and will lead to either redundancy or a revival of the Christian faith.

Ed Stetzer,
Wheaton College

Vance Pitman is the Founding Pastor of Hope Church LV, the incoming President of Send Network, and the author of UNBURDENED: Stop Living for Jesus So Jesus Can Live Through You and The Stressless Life: Experiencing the Unshakable Presence of God’s Indescribable Peace.  As a seasoned leader, church planter and commissioner of dozens of churches in the western U.S., Vance seeks to inspire people to join in God’s eternal, redemptive mission of making disciples and multiplying the church among every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.  Vance and his wife Kristie have four children, two grandchildren, and live outside Las Vegas, NV.